
June 26 Bulletin



Nothing else included in tonight's digest.

The incidence of new COVID19 infections in our city and our health system remains low. However there are areas around the country and the world which are having escalating numbers of new infections every day. Because of these facts the Governor of New York State has put a policy in place that mandates a 14 day quarantine for travelers coming from states with an infection rate greater than 10 percent. All of this is happening as our clinical students are re-entering the clinical arena and our rising second years are engaging in summer research.

We are very pleased that numbers are so low in NYC; this should bring us all solace as we work to allow you to continue your goals to learn clinical medicine and become an excellent physician. Below please find the infection prevention plans that are in place to prioritize your safety and your education. The situation is dynamic and requires adaptability at all times as the below policies and procedures may evolve:

All medical students are required to have SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Testing using the Mount Sinai antibody test. The knowledge of a student’s antibody status will help assess the student’s risk of acquiring the infection over the upcoming semester if a student has symptoms and/or exposure to the virus. It is a precautionary measure that will add to our knowledge as we work to keep students safe and able to fully participate in their education. If you have already been antibody tested, thank you! Additional testing is being coordinated with Internal Medicine Associates (IMA) and information will be shared early next week.

The SARS-CoV-2 PCR testing is being done on all symptomatic students and all students traveling from areas with a high incidence of infections. All medical students must fill out the symptom tracker daily - this is currently required for any student in NYC participating in clinical work, research, electives and/or living in Aron Hall. Access the tracker from MedInfoApp).

Please fill out the travel survey to assist us in gathering your recent travels. It was distributed in our daily communication every day this week. The travel survey needs to be completed by all medical students unless they are away and not returning for over 4 weeks.

We highly recommend that you do not travel to an area that is having an increased incidence of new infections as you will put yourself and your close contacts at risk of infection and educational disruption.

For students returning from areas with increased incidence of new infections, we have instituted a testing policy that includes one-day-turnaround PCR testing coordinated by Student Health, as well as quarantining protocols. Living quarters outside Aron Hall have been identified for students who test PCR positive. Additionally, any student with a known exposure must quarantine for 14 days.

It is imperative that social distancing and face covering recommendations are strictly adhered to as a close contact of somebody exposed would require quarantining and you will be protected if you adhered to the infection prevention recommendations.

We aim to partner with you to keep you on track in your education and to keep you safe. Thank you so much for adhering to these guidelines.