
Complete Physical Exam


This checklist represents the foundation, or skeleton of a physical exam, that should be tailored in real practice to your individual patient. In clinical practice, some elements of this exam are expanded or deleted depending on the chief complaint, or based on the history and physical exam. Please pay special attention to the overall flow of the exam, as well as the ways to maximize patient comfort and perform appropriate draping throughout the exam.









Normal PE Writeup

Commonly used acronyms are in bold.

General Survey: Well-Developed, Well-Nourished young man in No Apparent Distress

Vitals: BP 120/80 on right, 120/80 on left; HR 80 regular (supine);
BP 120/80 HR 80 regular (sitting); RR 16; T 37.0°C

Skin: (-) lesions, hair normal, nails normal

HEENT: (Head): Normo-Cephalic, Atraumatic; (Eyes): Acuity 20/20 bilaterally, visual fields full bilaterally, sclera anicteric, normal conjunctiva, Pupils Equal, Round, Reactive to Light and Accommodation, Extra-Ocular Movements Intact, Fundi normal bilaterally: disks sharp, vessels normal; (Ears): Canals normal bilaterally, Tympanic Membranes clear bilaterally, acuity normal bilaterally; (Nose): (-) deviated septum, normal mucosa/turbinates, no maxillary/ frontal sinus tenderness; (Throat): Oropharynx, including tonsils clear, normal dentition

Neck: Supple, trachea midline, (-) lymphadenopathy, (-) thyromegaly, (-) JVD (Jugular Venous Distention), carotids 2+ bilaterally without thrill or bruit

Breasts: Symmetric, (-) masses, (-) nipple discharge, (-) axillary adenopathy

Lungs: Normal chest wall excursion, (-) use of accessory muscles, (-) tactile fremitus, lungs clear to Auscultation and Percussion

Cardiac: Regular Rate and Rhythm, Point of Maximal Impulse (apical impulse) not displaced, normal S1/S2 (include splitting), no murmurs, rubs, gallops (S3/S4)

Abdomen: Soft, Non-Tender, Non-distended, Normoactive Bowel Sounds, (-) rebound tenderness, no hepatomegaly or splenomegaly, liver span (in cm) at midclavicular line, aorta normal, (-) renal artery bruits

Back: (-) scoliosis, (-) spinal tenderness, (-) Costo-Vertebral Angle Tenderness

Rectal: (-) hemorrhoids, normal tone, (-) masses, prostate smooth without nodules (males), guaiac negative stool

GU (Genitourinary, man): (-) lesions, (-) penile discharge, normal urethra, testicles equal in size and without mass, (-) hernia

GU (Genitourinary, woman): (-) lesions, (-) discharge, normal cervix, (-) cervical motion tenderness, normal ovaries and uterus, (-) hernia

Extremities: (-) Cyanosis, Clubbing, Edema, pulses 2+ bilaterally (brachial, radial, femoral, popliteal, dorsalis pedis, posterior tibial), normal capillary refill, (-) joint swelling/redness/warmth/tenderness, normal active Range Of Motion of joints

LN (Lymph Nodes): (-) cervical/supraclavicular/axillary/inguinal lymphadenopathy

Neuro: Alert and Oriented to person, place, time (AOx3). CN II-XII intact; Motor 5/5 in all groups with normal tone; Sensation intact to light touch/pin/ vibration/cold/proprioception throughout; Reflexes 2+ throughout (biceps, triceps, brachioradialis, knee, ankle), (-) Babinski response (or normal plantar reflexes)