ISMMS Faculty Research Mentors
Design a research project for students that can be accomplished in 8-12 weeks (some final analyses may remain at completion of program) and develop a timeline for project management, to ensure students’ completion of project.
Contact students in advance of the program to discuss the research project. Send necessary project-specific materials to students in advance so they can prepare for the research project.
Meet at least weekly with students throughout course of the program and be available to students at other times.
Assist students with preparation of a journal-style research paper and oral or poster presentation.
Assist students with preparation of an abstract to submit to the medical student poster session at the American Geriatrics Society (AGS) annual meeting and to other meetings the mentor or student may select.
Submit a written report/evaluation of students’ performance and experience within 90 days of completion of the project.
Be available to students and their faculty mentors after the MSTAR program ends, to assist with completion of research project, if necessary.
Home Institution Faculty Sponsor
Assist student with application submission.
Develop faculty sponsor’s plan on how to sustain student’s interest in geriatrics and palliative medicine after the MSTAR program is completed.
Arrange regular communication with student.
Assist student with on-going research project, if student is interested in pursuing additional research, find an appropriate mentor in student’s research area.
Assist student with organizing home site enhancement activities such as attending grand rounds or lectures related to aging, student interest chapters or groups in geriatrics and/or palliative medicine, home visit programs, etc.